Timeline To The Future Community Project Frequently Asked Questions

Timeline To The Future Community Project
Frequently Asked Questions


  • How will I ever be accepted to your community when I have a lot of addictions and a poor diet?
    From now until the cataclysmic events, we are heading into a time of accelerated growth and universe guidance that will support those who are ready to evolve through their limitations. If you are committed to living a life that is free from addiction and that embraces health and vitality; the time to prepare and make changes is now. If you are meant to be part of this community, you must be authentic in your decision to make the necessary changes and allow your self love and unconditional self acceptance to guide you. Read more…

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  • Why does the community overview feel like there isn’t much freedom in preserving my self identity?
    Timeline To The Future has created an off-the-grid, sustainable, communal living environment that will support the individual and the community through possibly the most challenging times in human history. This means creating an environment for many people to thrive and to embrace the greater mission by putting our individual needs and attachments aside. Personal items are often to keep our identity with our ego and our past. Most material processions hold us to a false and limited identity. What appears as a restriction to one person is, in fact, an opportunity for expansion into a greater reality that is free from the past. Read more…

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  • Will you make an exception for personal cell phones and laptops in the community project?
    The simple answer is NO for a number of reasons including: releasing our addiction to devices that have served only to distract us from our own conscious growth, releasing our dependency on technologies that have enslaved us, the lack of cellular access in a remote location, the inability to maintain or repair most electronic devices in the near future, limited or reduced access to electrical power, the choice and true meaning of living off-the-grid, and the ultimate extinction of most electronic technologies. Read more…

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  • Will it be possible to store some additional personal items besides the two suitcase requirement?
    The Timeline To The Future community is designed to provide a peaceful and harmonic existence for the most people possible, while being conscious and efficient with space, resources, and available funds. This means that all space, resources, and funds will be utilized for sur-thrival of the masses and necessities. Part of this transformation is about letting go of those possessions that hold us to old and limiting thought forms. On the other hand, if a personal possession has benefit to the entire community, it may be considered for use or storage. Read more…

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  • Can I bring a three years supply of personal supplements into the Community Project?
    If you understand how much we are going to adjust our lifestyle from the coming events and the concepts of off-the-grid living, then this question answers itself. If we still feel supplements are necessary for our survival, then we just haven’t learned the optimal way of eating. Unhealthy diets, lifestyles, and thoughts are the reason why people are generally unhealthy and our world is overrun with disease. When we eat food that is healthy and filled with nutrition, there is no need for supplements and disease can be eradicated. The community will only support solutions for healthy nutrition that transcend the perceived need for supplements. Read more…

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  • Can I bring medications to your community for a diagnosed chronic condition?
    The only way to survive and thrive through this physical, conscious, and geophysical transformation and into the future is to wean ourselves off the addictions that have enslaved us and to stop relying on the very system that created the problems of poor health and dysfunctional lifestyles. In most circumstances this means changing our lifestyle before entering any community. In some circumstances this means making tough choices and taking a calculated risk that health issues can and will be addressed in a more natural way. What this really means is being willing to replace medications with proven techniques based on nutrition or other natural remedies. To some this means trusting that this is the time to make a quantum leap for your own personal health. Read more…

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  • Why do we need to be off-the-grid prior to the coming events when everything may be destroyed after the events anyway?
    First of all, not everything will be destroyed, but certainly what remains of the existing grid system will not be working at all, or in the same way, after the coming events. Most people still can not imagine how much their lives will be changed as a result of these coming events. Community planning and the choice of location are the only things that provide any possibility of sustainability after the events. If done properly, this preparation will ensure the community functions in the same way before, during, and after. This is a responsibility that Timeline To The Future takes seriously and is the primary reason why our off-the-grid community will be fully functional well before the events and the destruction of the existing grid. Read more…

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  • Could I donate my pet to the community project so I don’t have to abandon him?
    The decision to only have a few community pets that can survive by their own hunting abilities is one that has been made for the greatest good of both the pets and the community. Personal pets are indeed like children who never grow up, but continue to give us unconditional love. It’s easy to forget that this love dwells within our own heart in its fullness and that we have been conditioned to rely on pets to experience that love. Allowing a few people to provide their personal pets to the community is unfair to other members. Read more…

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  • Will my faith and spiritual practices be welcomed and accepted in your community?
    Timeline To The Future is not a religious community and accepts all faiths based on love and compassion. The foundation for this community project is based on spirituality and the very essence that there is an intrinsic goodness and God presence in all things and all people. We welcome all faiths based on the concepts of oneness and a celebration of the one in the many. Although it seems redundant to mention, the Timeline To The Future community project does not allow any form of ritual that involves animal blood, sacrifice, voodoo, or witchcraft as these forms of spiritual practice do not align with the basic spiritual concepts of the community. Read more…

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  • Could you please clarified what is expected financially from a new member of your community?
    Member acceptance in the community is not based on any single factor and especially not financial status. The community is based on harmonic convergence of like-minded people. The application creates an overall profile about a prospective member. Often they way someone avoids or doesn’t answer a question is often even more revealing than how they do answer a question. The community is based on the concepts of openness, oneness, and co-creation, and without a monitory, barter, or trade system. So what does it say when someone is secretive or afraid to reveal anything about themselves? What does it say when they are afraid to be honest and truthful? Read more…

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  • Will we be able to go out and have fun while we are preparing for off-the-grid living in the community?
    Timeline To The Future is not going to act as your parent and will not police your activities to see how you spend your free time. Membership is screened, but is still voluntary. We advise members to use their time wisely in preparing for life in the community project. This means doing as much healing work as possible to prepare for any lifestyle and emotional challenges from living off-the-grid, dietary challenges from a raw vegan cuisine, dependencies from the lack of technology, and addictions to the world and lifestyle that we’ve become accustomed to, etc. Read more…

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  • How can I best prepare physically and spiritually for life in the community project?
    Timeline To The Future asks the questions. Are you ready for telepathy? Are you ready for someone to read your past and present thoughts and actions? Are you ready to live off-the-grid and in a community based on continuous spiritual growth? Are you ready to live without money, technology, and cooked food? Are you ready to exist in optimal health, on a raw vegan diet, and without any conventional medications? Are you ready to let go of the conveniences that have enslaved humanity and a society that suppresses the co-creative ability of spirit? How many people are ready for all of these changes today? From these questions, you may begin to see where you might want to focus your preparation efforts. Read more…

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  • Will treatment be available for such things as a cavity besides emergency medical and dental?
    There may be issues that carry over from our old lives and into our new lifestyle as part of the community. Timeline To The Future understands the transition from life in present society to life in a sustainable, off-the-grid, conscious community with a raw vegan diet. This means that each of us may have fillings in our teeth, scars from surgery, or even missing organs as a result of our past lifestyle and past choices. These pre-existing conditions will be dealt with in the most practical and compassionate way possible, but it’s important to realize that most of these pre-existing conditions are the direct result of our past diet and overall lifestyle. The bottom line is that dental and medial treatments should eventually only be needed for emergencies. Read more…

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  • Will you make an exception for hallucinogenic plant medicines if I am a shaman?
    Timeline To The Future respects your spiritual path and your choices. Our hope is that the members of the community project are mature enough and aware enough to understand that all levels of consciousness can be achieved without the use of external substances. This doesn’t mean substances that are used in a medicinal capacity, but rather those uses of a mind-altering nature. In fact, using substances to achieve such states is always temporary. Timeline To The Future and the community project believe that the only states of consciousness worth attaining are those that are permanent. Read more…

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  • What kind of education program do you have for children in the community project?
    The education program mimics the goals of the community by aligning life with practical knowledge, universal laws, and spiritual principles. This education program covers a wide range of topics that are useful for sustainable, off-the-grid, conscious community living. Disciplines will be similar to our current education system, but with a greater focus on nature and consciousness, and without the distortions of economics, the acquisition of wealth, or material possession. As there are no monetary systems in the community project, service will be emphasized rather than the value of service. Read more…

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  • Will it be possible to bring more suitcases of personal items other than the two that are allowed?
    The Timeline To The Future community project is based on the principles of sustainability, and as such must consider the needs of all members. This means that limits must be set that support sustainability of resources and space considerations. Some predefined limits may be adjusted once the community development is completed and ready for members to move in, but at this point, the two suitcase limit has been set for three reasons. First is the possibility that each member will only have space for such quantity of items (and we’re not talking about trunk-sized luggage). Second is for members to get used to a life of fewer material possession and increased mobility. Third is to help members understand the balance between personal essentials and sustainability of the community. Read more…

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  • Why have you restricted the diet of the community to raw vegan instead of being more open?
    Timeline To The Future is not just about health, it’s about optimal health. We’re creating a community that is based on some powerful concepts, to empower its members, and to ultimately eliminate the elements and actions from our past that inhibit these goals. This assertive approach to life in an off-the-grid, sustainable, and conscious community may not be for everyone. These are challenging times and Timeline To The Future is seeking those members who are ready to rise to these challenges rather than hold on to the dysfunctions. If you have done your research, homework, or are just fully conscious about the relationship between diet and health, then you will have found that the raw vegan diet is the most harmonic for our bodies. Read more…

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  • Will there be a way to get information about the outside world once we are in the community?
    If you understand the events that are about to unfold on a global geophysical and social economic scale, then you may realize that standard forms of communication that are connected to the existing grid will not be operational for much longer. The remote location of the community also limits the type and availability of communication technologies that can be used. The community will maintain communication with the outside world for as long as possible. The communications committee will determine the best methods of communication which may include satellite phones and HAM radio. Read more…

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  • Are you aware of any people or groups in the U.S. who are starting a similar community?
    As you can probably imagine, there are people all over the world who are preparing for what they believe is coming in the near future. There are likely a number of such groups in the U.S., but Timeline To The Future has not accumulated a list of such communities. Some have websites that can be searched on the internet, others are listed on the Timeline To The Future website, and still others have little or no publicly accessible information. Read more…

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Community Blueprint Frequently Asked Questions

Community Blueprint
Frequently Asked Questions


  • How can I utilize the documents under Community Blueprint?
    The documents listed under the Community Group menu are there to provide a community template for anyone who may not already have one. These templates have been designed specifically for the Timeline To The Future Community Project and provide everything from a general introduction, how to get involved in the community, details of the community design, committee list, member application form, and a description of the application process. Although these documents are for development of the Timeline To The Future Community Project, they can be used as templates from which to generate your own community specific documentation. Timeline To The Future authorizes communities to copy and edit these documents for use with their community. If you think these templates can be of some use, simply select the text on the webpage and paste it into a word processor for editing. Timeline To The Future only requests that you only use these templates for your own internal purposes and make acknowledge the source of the templates.

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Timeline To The Future Content Frequently Asked Questions

Timeline To The Future Content
Frequently Asked Questions


  • Shouldn’t we be trying to raise the frequency of consciousness to help humanity now?
    Yes, absolutely! Three steps that can help anyone affect change on a personal or global level are awareness, understanding, and growth. Once you become aware of something, you have the option of becoming proactive in the healing or living in denial. In order to be proactive, it helps to gain a balanced understanding of what you can do to affect healing. When you gain this understanding, two things happen, you no longer fear it and it no longer controls you. Growth occurs instantly once you achieve that understanding. Timeline To The Future is about raising awareness and providing a balanced understanding so that people can become proactive rather than reactive. Being proactive can include applying more conscious effort to affect global change, helping others gain their own awareness and understanding, or making plans for physical preparedness. Read more…

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  • Why wouldn’t we trust the aliens that bring gifts of technology to resolve our global problems?
    At first glance and without a greater understanding, it might appear that we should trust anyone who comes to our aide. One of the most important facets of life is learning from our mistakes. As a global consciousness, we have manifested many of the coming events simply because we didn’t learn from our past. We became disconnected from Earth, spirit, and ourselves. We became sedentary and complacent to the impact of human action and consumption on our world. The events that are coming are meant to help us understand where we have made mistakes so that we can learn from these mistakes. Without this understanding, there is no growth and we are destined to repeat our mistakes in the future. We aren’t here to have our mistakes wiped out by some super beings so that we can avoid the challenge. There is no growth when you are given the answer, they must be earned to have meaning. In addition, we can only maintain a solution that we have manifest ourselves. Read more…

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  • What kind of contribution to humanity is running away to a sustainable community?
    Timeline To The Future is about raising awareness, helping people understand the possibilities that lay before us, and creating sustainable communities. Preparing for events in your life is prudent depending on your belief that an event is actually going to occur. The reality is that even if nothing happens, it is certain that we can not maintain our global population on Earth for very much longer. Vital resources are being depleted that can not be replaced. Besides the proposed and possible coming events, we are living in a time of global meltdown. Humans have created a reality which is rapidly leading to our own extinction. The only way to live on Earth going forward and into the future is to get sustainable. The Timeline To The Future initiative is about helping people live in peace and harmony as we move forward rather than in suffering and deprivation. Read more…

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  • Do you think it’s possible to reverse the coming events if we all come together for world peace?
    Yes, just as human consciousness has created many of the coming events, we also have the ability to reverse what we have created. However, there are also events coming that humans did not manifest which are part of this elaborate system that we call Earth, the Solar System, and Galaxy. In order to reverse the man made events, two things must happen. First is a critical mass of conscious beings must be reached that influence world leaders to change the course of their actions through passive non-conformance. Second is the time necessary to affect the changes. Of course this only addresses the man made events (global famine, WWIII, economic depression, and martial law) which are only a small part the big picture. If you understand prophecy, then you know they are primarily about the events that we have not manifested, but which are coming anyway. Read more…

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  • What can we do to prepare financially and for the eventual food and water shortages?
    Material wealth and balance do not mean that you have to be rich, but rather that you live a healthy and happy life without suffering due to the lack of money. There may still be time to position yourself financially, but only if you are ready to make some tough choices. First, you must truly believe that the world financial system is going to collapse and a global depression and famine are just around the corner. If you believe this then the first step is to convert all of your fixed assets into liquid assets. Next is to get your money into a safe shelter including choice of institution and investment. Third is to get ready to spend these assets in order to create a sustainable community that has a chance of surviving and thriving through the coming events. Read more…

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  • What if 2012 comes and goes and nothing happens?
    Even if all the prophecies are inaccurate, the geophysical patterns are misinterpreted, the cosmic events don’t amount to anything, and the events described in ancient history don’t repeat themselves, there is one thing for certain. Life as we know it is about to change dramatically and possibly forever. As a human race, we have not respected Earth. Our over consumption and over population have pushed us to the brink of our own self destruction. The only possibility of sustaining life on Earth is a massive population reduction and complete reversal in our consumption habits. This can only happen if the consciousness of everyone on the planet rises to a level of understanding that can stop and reverse these trends. Even then, it would not be enough to save us from worldwide famine and a global economic depression. The world is changing whether people believe it or not. The only question is whether you are ready to move in the direction of sustainability Read more…

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  • What is the possibility that WWIII will be prevented by humans or higher level beings?
    Whether the Iranian president is a man of peace doesn’t matter as any action towards WWIII is not in his hands, but in the hands of those who control this world. War, poverty, and suffering are created or manifested and are not simply mistakes or accidents. They are a direct byproduct of greed and corruption. Until we rid the world of greed and corruption, people will manifest events to create war, poverty, and suffering. We, as humans, do have the conscious ability to prevent all suffering from the actions of mankind, but the consciousness of greed and corruption have gripped this world for so long that can only be reversed though a change of mass consciousness. To date, this has not occurred and doesn’t appear likely in the time remaining before these events unfold. That doesn’t mean that anyone should stop hoping and praying for a solution, but just don’t be surprised if it happens anyway. Read more…

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  • Why don’t all planets reverse the direction of rotation as they pass the equator of our solar system?
    Astrophysicists may give a better explanation, but the main difference between our solar system and the galaxy is the difference in the amount of mass. Mass and rotational motion are what determine the amount of force coming off the edge of the solar system or galaxy. It’s not simply by passes the equator and going from one hemisphere to the other that causes an object to reverse rotation or experience a polar shift. These affects are the direct result of the amount of force being applied to an object as it passes the equator. In other words, there’s not enough energy coming from our solar equator to cause changes to Pluto’s rotation as it passes from one hemisphere to the other. Try to imagine the difference in energy coming from our solar system versus the Milky Way galaxy. The Milky Way galaxy is made up of 200 to 400 billion stars (solar systems). Can you see the difference between that and our solar system which has a total of nine planets revolving around a single star? Read more…

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  • What are your thoughts about those who say Earth passed through the galactic equator in 1998?
    There are several ways to answer this question. First, those who often believe in this concept are those who also believe that time has accelerated. Time has not accelerated. We still have 24 hours in a day and 365 day in a year. What has accelerated is manifestation which makes it feel like time has sped up. Second, if Earth had already passed the galactic equator in 1998, then the Earth changes would theoretically have peaked in 1998 and the effects would be reducing every year since then. Well, this is not the case. Third is the cycle of "our solar system" aligning with the galactic equator and the celestial equator which occurs on a frequency. This cycle has a "half" frequency of about 13,000 years. Archeologist and geologists have proven that cataclysmic events have created huge changes to Earth in our recent past. The last time such an event occurred was about 13,000 years ago. The next time this event occurs is sometime in our very near future. Read more…

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  • Why create a community if we are all going to evolve and be able to manifest whatever we want?
    Evolution, consciously or otherwise, is not instantaneous as some would like to imagine. By now, people should know that if something is given without the effort and learning put forth, it can not be maintained. That doesn’t mean that all the effort must be put forth in a single lifetime. Some people come to Earth more highly evolved than others for the simple fact that they have put in the effort in past lives. This is not a measurement or judgment; it’s just the nature of eternal growth. We’re not all supposed to be at the same conscious level as we are all unique beings with unique experiences. This is just one beautiful aspect of creation. Those who have put in the personal work will certainly receive gifts and abilities beyond what they have today, but it’s not likely to happen exactly on Oct 28, 2011. If you understand the Mayan calendar presentation and have any personal experience with the current and ongoing conscious acceleration, you will realize that people are being triggered and evolving, but it is still a process. Read more…

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  • Do you think that many of those who are aware of what’s coming have already made their preparations?
    Yes and No. Certainly the PTB and those that have known about the coming events for centuries have likely implemented most of their plans, however, those who have been awakened more recently as part of the conscious evolution have probably not. There are as many plans on how to prepare as there are beliefs on what will occur and any choice of preparation is directly related to what you believe. If everyone were planning for the worst case scenario, then everyone would be prepared, but that is not the case. Most people do not have enough information about the possibilities to even begin to prepare properly, but they have moved forward anyway. The reality is that very few people have done enough research to truly be prepared. The most important thing to do is make sure you have a well balanced understanding of the coming events, clarity in planning for those events, and the patience to allow the universe to guide you. If your preparation is not complete, then all it takes is one simple miscalculation to spell disaster for your entire community. This is no time to be short sighted or myopic in your vision. Read more…

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  • When we will start seeing the effects from the galactic equator on Earth and with orbiting satellites?
    There’s much more going on during the possible and probably events than just the Sun getting 20% to 30% hotter while aligning with the celestial equator. What happens in the upper atmosphere during a geographic or magnetic pole shift? What happens if Earth stops rotating and reverses direction? Will this result in any destructive forces on satellites in our upper atmosphere? What about EMI (electromagnetic interference) from the geophysical activities on the surface of Earth? Will this result in electrical discharges or arcing between objects on Earth and in space? If the coming events are even close to those described on this website, then satellites will likely start failing before and especially during and after these events. Read more…

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  • Do you think the coming cataclysmic events will affect the eastern region of the U.S.?
    The cataclysmic events are cyclical, so the majority of the geophysical shifts are likely to occur where evidence indicates they have shifted in the past. If you’re in such a location, then these shifts could certainly destroy any above or below ground structures. The Appalachian Mtn. Range, which runs the length of the U.S. east coast, is a likely result of these past cataclysmic events. Living on or near these mountains may prove unwise for a variety of reasons. The possible events surrounding the pole shift include: excessive heat from the Sun that start uncontrollable forest fires, tsunamis that flow hundreds of miles inland, volcanic eruptions, ash filled skies making it impossible to grow or harvest food above ground, contaminated water supplies, global martial law, etc. For more information on choosing a safe location, you might want to review the content entitled “Where Will It Be Safe?” Read more…

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  • How much money will it cost to join a community and when should I make my move to a safe location?
    It’s true that a well prepared community project will need considerable financial support in direct relationship to the community size. In some cases, this may be in the hundreds of thousands or even millions of dollars. Liquidating fixed assets and saving some money is a wise plan whether you have found the right community or not. There is probably no community that would turn away a donation, but let’s hope that a financial investment is not required to become a member. The time to move is when things start to fall into place. The primary choice of a community is one that resonates with your spiritual beliefs. Second is one whose preparations are in alignment with what events you believe will occur. You may need to travel in order to find such a community or you may be able to find them through online resources. Moving too soon out of urgency, anxiety, or fear is the greatest mistake that anyone can make. Read more…

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  • How can I best prepare physically and spiritually for the coming events?
    The physical and spiritual preparation is very connected, so it’s important that you think about and plan them simultaneously. We’re living in a time of conscious evolution and the greatest opportunity in history to accelerate your personal healing and gain greater trust in your inner knowing. As these abilities will be your greatest assets, Timeline To The Future suggests that everyone take advantage of this period in history to prepare for what’s coming on both the physical and spiritual levels. For physical preparation, it comes down to diet and exercise. Exercise can be many forms that are non-destructive and load bearing. Some forms of yoga can provide this result. Life in an off-the-grid sustainable community means no more processed foods; however, you can take that one step further to a raw vegan diet if you want to achieve optimal health. Any and all of these forms of preparation will prove very healing even if the coming events never happened. Read more…

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  • What options can you suggest for a large family with no assets, but who wish to survive the coming events?
    Just as money can not buy happiness or love, it will not buy happiness or love in a community. By letting go of the material world of physical possession, you have opened yourself to a new world where transformation is inevitable. By releasing this old paradigm (material world) you begin to open the new paradigm (spiritual world) and thus your ability to manifest in a new way. Manifesting in the spiritual world may seem mystical and useless for those who do not understand it, but it can provide everything and more to help you through these times. Instead of focusing on manifesting money, it’s time to manifest nurturing and support. The most important thing to do is find the group or community that harmonizes with your beliefs and consciousness. If you can do that, then you will certainly find that your options and path will take a turn for the better. Read more…

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  • Can you explain why you think global martial law is coming in the near future?
    Most people may have learned that there is a fine line between genius and insanity, as well as stability and chaos. Those who control the world and monitory systems (PTB) are well aware of the events that are going to unfold in our near future. In preparation, they have spent over 50 years siphoning money from the global economies to finance there personal survival plans. This group does not intend on letting anyone stand in the way of their salvation or their plans. Even without these possible and probable events, our world is heading towards worldwide famine, an economic depression, WWIII, and global chaos. The spiritual world maintains stability through responsibility, but their world can only maintain stability though control. As the social economic conditions deteriorate, the masses will begin to rise up, first out of fear, then out of desperation. The PTB can not allow this to happen or they themselves may suffer the wrath of human rebellion. As soon as the chaos threatens their security, they plan to initiate global martial law. Read more…

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  • Do you have any updates on the start of WWIII and what it means for your other predictions?
    WWIII is only a small part of the overall picture and events that will unfold in our near future. The start of WWIII is the second Seal in the Bible prophecy out of 21 separate signs. Once WWIII does start, virtually everyone with a Bible will be considered a prophet by simply reading the remaining 19 signs and watching them unfold. This initiative is called Timeline To The Future for a reason. There is a timeline of events unfolding and when WWIII actually starts doesn’t change the timeline, but only clarifies when the global social economic events escalate. Timeline To The Future is not about predicting exact events on exact dates, but rather to provide an understanding of the chain of events that are about to unfold and the possible affects they may have on our personal lives, on the planet, and on the ability to live in peace and harmony through these times. Click here for a website that is devoted the H1N1 vaccine. Read more…

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  • Could you provide some insight into the H1N1 (swine flu) vaccination?
    There is a variety of the information floating around the internet about the H1N1 vaccination. These include everything from the injection needles being laced with nano technology to chip people without their knowledge to the possibility that it contains a birth control agent. These may only be theories, but it's no time to be careless when it comes to any government agenda. The governments and PTB have been using drugs and the medical establishment to keep people sedated and addicted rather than cured. This is why drugs like Prozac, Paxil, Zoloft, etc. are being pushed onto people like candy. They've also been planning for decades for the chaos that will occur very soon. People have been setup to believe the government and medical industry are here to help us. Wrong! Whether it’s the H1N1 or another medical treatment induced out of fear, the governments and PTB have already planned to use such methods in order to maintain control and stability through the coming events. Click here for a website that is devoted the H1N1 vaccine. Read more…

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  • Can you explain why governments are not telling the populations about the coming events?
    The main reason is to prevent panic, but it's much more complicated than that. Most people in government are aware of the man-made Social Economic collapse that’s coming (i.e. economic depression, WWIII, global famine, and martial law), but these events are becoming more obvious by anyone with just a little bit more information than the general public. However, only the very top levels of government are aware of all the geophysical and cosmic events. All other levels are being kept in the dark just like the mass population. Some may be figuring it out just as those in the general populous, but most of them will remain skeptical and in denial right up to the time of the events. Those that know what’s coming are sworn to secrecy on pain of death. If even 10% of the population believed the events were inevitable, there would be global panic and chaos instantly. The information must be suppressed in order for the PTB to maintain control and stability. Read more…

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  • Have the governments spent our money preparing for the coming events or is it being written off as "bunk"?
    Yes, this is where at least part of the $ trillions have gone that the U.S. Government, global monitory controllers, and PTB have siphoned out of the world economies while bankrupting our planet. If people knew the depth of their plans, they would not be surprised by the amount of money they have spent to implement those plans and to keep them secret. How many people know about the underground cities and tunnel systems that crisscross the U.S. landscape between military facilities? How many people are aware of the eight level city under the Denver Airport, better known as the Western Headquarters of the New World Order? At this level, many people are aware that the heads of every major country have built hundreds of underground cities, but how many people are still unaware of the 800 FEMA camps across the U.S.? Can you imagine why these camps have been prepared? Read more…

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  • What if the government shuts down the internet to prevent the flow of information related to coming events?
    The Powers That Be (PTB) have gone to great lengths to keep people addicted to stuff so that we remain complacent and dumbed down. This includes TV, video games, sports, and virtually all forms of multi-media entertainment and yes, most recently the internet. The internet serves the PTB purpose to control with the use of technology. Why technology? Because we pay for it, they make money on it, and it controls the masses by feeding on our addictions. They can just sit back and watch while our cells are destroyed by the artificial frequencies, our will power is disembodied, and our consciousness is paralyzed. They also use the internet to debunk all the conspiracy and theories which is why more people haven't put 2 and 2 together about these coming times? The internet is a well thought out and deceptive technique by the PTB to keep us under control. They need it more than we do which is why it will remain up and running for as long as possible. The benefit is that those who are helping the masses get to take advantage of the access without the side affects. Read more…

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  • What about the theory that Australia will be wiped out by a tsunami become the new South Pole?
    Science states that Australia has been above the ocean for over 350 million yrs. The Aboriginals are the oldest native tribe on the planet and have a history that has been proven to date back 40,000 yrs and some say it can be proven back more than 100,000 yrs. The pole shift events are theorized to occur about every 13,000 yrs and some believe it might even be every 6,500 yrs. The last event, some 13,000 yrs ago, has been proven scientifically, so that is the one that Timeline To The Future tends to believe. There is also no indication of massive land erosion in Australia similar to the Grand Canyon that would support a repetitive and massive ocean deluge scenario. These facts support the concept that Australia does not get wiped out and may be one of the best places on the planet to survive such an event. Read more…

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  • Won’t the "Powers That Be" lose there authority or must we unite consciously to overcome and survive?
    The PTB will not lose their power instantly before, during, or immediately after the events. The transformation of power is no different than that of knowledge or wisdom. Like everything else in the universe, it is a process. Eventually, what we refer to as the PTB or control factors will not be able to sustain themselves, but that could take decades or even longer. They will maintain their power over the weak until those people learn to take their personal power back from the matrix and the PTB. The PTB's entire existence is based on stealing power from others by enslaving the masses to do their bidding. Once the survivors of the events realize they have no more need for the PTB, the PTB will perish and leave this planet; never to return. However, this only happens once the conscious evolution awakens people to the PTB agenda, greed, and self-serving interests. Read more…

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  • How can anyone determine how far or where the poles will shift or the direction of the tsunamis?
    Scientific and practical theories suggest that both a magnetic and geographic pole shift will occur sometime soon, that the magnetic pole shift will precede the geographic pole shift, and that both shifts will occur close in time to one another. There may already be proof that these events are in motion as scientists have been tracking the magnetic pole moving towards Russia while the geographic pole has not shifted at all. During these pole shifts, the Earth could move abruptly in both the north/south and east/west directions. Any sudden movement in Earth’s rotation will result in the oceans moving in the opposite directions until the oceans reach a new equilibrium. The magnetic pole shift occurs when Earth reverses rotation from the west/east direction to the west/east direction which would result in a wall of water moving towards every western shoreline on the planet. Read more…

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